The New Era Of Genetic Modification

02/23/2015 11:27

The field of agriculture has been expanding rapidly over the years. What started as a natural way to grow crops, fruits and vegetables has moved on to incorporate science and its techniques to increase the yield, reduce the pest attacks and enhance the overall crop production.

The agricultural and farming industry has grown in leaps and bounds by inculcating the process of molecular biology. Every living thing in this world is made of DNA. And its various traits depend on the structure of DNA. So if you need to inculcate some trait or alleviate it from plants, what really required is alteration of DNA. And this technique has given birth to genetically modified crops.


In spite of using all the required techniques for farming, using the best quality of seed, and even right amount of water and sunlight, the final crops gained by the farmers was not up to the mark. And this resulted in innovations in the methodology and techniques which resulted in better growth and yield of crops. First there was initiated the use of pesticides and fertilizers. But even after using them, the result was not as expected. In fact, it resulted in disease resistant pests. Thus, there was a need to input more amount of chemicals in order to invade the pathogens. However by using more chemicals it resulted in invading the crops, fruits and vegetables. And these chemicals were in no way good for health of humans and animals.

Hence, there were devised methods to change the morphology of crops, by DNA altering. A lot of technological innovations, tools and science were applied for this. This step was witnessed as the changing face of agriculture. The advantages of the crops obtained by genetic modification are as follows:-

  • More shelf life- the fruits, vegetables and crops are grown after sowing genetically modified seeds showed better shelf life.

  • Pest resistance – the crops were resistant to the attack of pests and hence show better yield.

  • Cold and drought tolerance- there was also developed crops that were resistant to changing climatic condition.

  • High nutrient content- it is made sure in these types of crops to input ample amount of iron, vitamins, minerals and proteins, which are requisite for promoting good health in humans.

However, there was a lot of controversies involved too. In accordance with many plant biologist, this method of changing the natural gene pool will be hazardous for human and animal health. There are also those who have deduced this method as a means to reduce the effectiveness of pesticides.

However, there is the Trivedi Effect, which is the natural phenomenon of Energy Transmission. Every living as well as non-living thing has energy and by the Energy Transmission from the Trivedi Masters to the individuals harnesses that very energy and thus makes beneficial transformation in them. This phenomenon pioneered by Mr. Mahendra Trivedihas helped to provide more nutrition in crops, immunity to pests as well as better shelf life without producing any side effect.

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